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Let Me In Page 2

  When I could again breathe, I looked up, eyes stunned and lips swollen.

  His expression mirrored my own.

  At that point I would have been content to just return to our own room, and to spend the rest of the night fucking each other’s brains out and releasing all the pent-up sexual frustration that we each harbored. But a fear that things would return to the way they had been kept me moving onward, and urging us on with our journey.

  Standing again on tiptoe, pressing a light kiss to his mouth, I cocked my head in the direction of Hannah and Cal’s room.

  Ty hesitated then inclined his head, also.

  I slipped my feet back into my pumps, now sticky with sweat. Nerves rumbled low in my belly as we moved down the hall, hands twined together. Terror warred with the bliss over what had just occurred with Ty, and my knees shook, threatening to knock me off the height of my heels.

  I persevered, though Ty had to knock for me.

  I don’t know what I’d been expecting, but what I saw when Hannah opened the door wasn’t it. There were no sex toys scattered around the room, nor were the sheets red satin. There was no sex swing extended from the ceiling. I blushed a bit, not sure where these mental images had come from—after all, they were staying in the same hotel that we were, and their room, as I should have expected, looked a lot like ours.

  There were two beds, each covered with the typical floral spread found in the rooms of a large chain hotel. The only items that might have indicated something sexy was afoot were the sweating bottle of champagne, and the scented candles that cast flickering shadows on the pale peach walls, and infused the air with the essence of jasmine.

  “Please, come in.” It was the first time I’d heard Hannah speak in more than a whisper, and her voice was higher than I’d expected. Sweeter, more innocent.

  She gestured that we should sit on the right hand bed. We did, stiffly—I could tell that even Ty was feeling a bit awkward now—and Cal pulled the bottle of sparkling wine from its nest of crunchy ice.

  “A drink?” He popped the cork with more finesse than I’d ever been able to manage. I tried not to gulp greedily at the pale, bubbling caramel liquid that he handed me in a clear, heavy glass tumbler, but my throat was dry and scratchy with nerves.

  How was this going to work? Would Hannah just jump Ty? Should I jump Cal?

  I studied him as he chuckled and refilled my glass. I wouldn’t mind doing so, and I felt more than a little guilty for the thought as I sat beside my husband, our fingers twined tightly together.

  He was gorgeous, especially with his tie removed and the first few buttons of his shirt undone.

  I could feel that pressure between my legs begin to spark again, and I shifted uneasily on the bed, the satin of my dress causing me to slip.

  Setting down his drink, Ty reached behind me and began to rub my shoulders. It felt so good that I let out an enthusiastic groan. With a quirk of his eyebrow, Cal turned to Hannah and began to do the same, though after a moment I heard the harsh rasp of a zipper being undone as it sounded in the thick, tense air of the room.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes away as I watched the pale rosy silk being peeled away to reveal skin that was equally white and pink. Small but beautiful breasts all but spilled out of a sheer bra nearly the same color of Hannah’s skin, and I could see the strings of a thong twining around her hips as Cal pushed the material down, and then down again.

  I’d never been turned on by the sight of a woman; never thought of myself as anything but completely heterosexual. But the sight of Cal’s large hands gliding over Hannah’s curves and planes caused me to begin to shake.

  I wanted to feel hands on my skin, too.

  I turned to find Ty ready and waiting. He captured my mouth with his own, as his hands found my own zipper. I had a moment of terror when I realized that I would soon be just as exposed as Hannah was, that I would be all but naked in front of strangers, but the feel of Ty’s fingers on my skin soon made thoughts of any kind fly away.

  Within minutes my dress was pooled around my waist, and the skirt had ridden up to my hips. Ty’s hands roamed restlessly over my skin, cupping my breasts, sliding between my legs, paying attention to all the little spots that had always made me squirm.

  I nearly jumped off the bed, so startled was I, when a second set of hands joined in.

  Breaking away from Ty’s mouth with a wet, sloppy sound, I strained to look behind me, to see whose hands were cupping my breasts, strumming eager fingers over my nipples, though of course I knew. Cal was watching me with hooded eyes, his breath falling heavy and warm on my nape.

  I turned back to see how Hannah had taken to her husband palming another woman’s tits. She was sitting spread eagle on the edge of the other bed, the scraps of lace that had been beneath her dress now pooled on the floor. Her fingers were between her legs, one hand spreading the rosy lips of her sex open wide, the other circling her clit with firm, rhythmic strokes.

  I heard Ty choke on his own saliva when he saw this. I knew I should have been jealous, but the sensation that was running through me was more…surreal. I felt odd, certainly, but also insanely excited by the feel of strange hands, hands that were not Ty’s, scraping over my skin, exploring and learning my curves.

  When Cal nudged Ty off our bed and over to Hannah, I wasn’t sure I entirely liked it. But then Cal kissed me, and I was distracted from my misgivings.

  Maneuvering me so that I was flat on the bed, my back across the slightly scratchy material of the comforter, he stood and quickly removed his clothing. All his clothing. Then he lowered himself down on top of me, his cock hard and erect and making me gasp when it pressed right against my sweet spot, through the black lace.

  Oh, God. His body on top of mine felt so different from Ty’s, but so…good. So taboo. So exciting.

  I moved restlessly beneath him, not sure what exactly I wanted. I wasn’t ready for him to penetrate me, not at all, but I wanted…something. And I had no idea how to go about getting it.

  With a wicked grin he placed another quick kiss on my mouth then began to slide down my body. His tongue strayed close, oh so close to each nipple, to my navel, but avoided actually touching them.

  Then he reached the lace of my briefs, and pressing his face against my belly, he nuzzled.

  I froze. I was aroused beyond belief, but this was so…intimate. I couldn’t believe that a stranger wanted to do this.

  It seemed that he did.

  With a finger looped in the crotch of my panties, he pulled them to one side and graced me with a long, slow lick. I wanted to scream with the pleasure of it, but was afraid of what Ty would think of that.

  I turned my head slowly on the pillow, far enough that I could see the other bed. Hannah had straddled my husband on all fours, and was busily sliding his cock in and out of her mouth.

  Apparently I didn’t need to worry about them.

  So I gave myself in to the sensation. Cal began to trace intricate patterns around my clit, circling and circling, coming closer and closer but never quite brushing against that most tender of spots. I could feel the tension coiling inside me just from the tease, but every time that the muscles in my thighs began to tremble, he would pull back, kiss my inner thigh and wait until I was again under control.

  I couldn’t handle it. When I’d had enough of the tease, I reached down, reached blindly for whatever part of him I could reach. He allowed me to draw him back up my body, far enough that his chest was aligned with mine, pressing my breasts tightly between us. My hand grasped until it found his cock, and he hissed when I triumphantly circled a fist around it.

  I began to pump, at the same time rubbing the tip against my clit. That delicious pressure built up again, and with me in control, the orgasm finally came, a blessed way that made me very nearly scream.

  When I floated back down from the ceiling, I again looked toward the other bed. Hannah had straddled Ty, and was rocking her hips back and forth. I had a moment where my heart leaped
into my throat, but then I realized that Ty hadn’t yet sheathed himself inside her.

  Why that made me feel better, I wasn’t sure.

  The thought clung to me as Cal planted more wet kisses on my mouth, my neck, my chest. When he reached for a condom, ripped open the foil with his teeth, I started to feel that something was wrong.

  Placing my hands between our chests, I pushed. Though his eyes were somewhat dazed, to his credit, he moved away.

  Pulling myself up onto my elbows, I felt myself flush but forced the words out of my mouth. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.” I turned to face Ty, whose limbs were tangled with the long, slim ones of Hannah. “I’m sorry, Ty. If you want to stay, I understand. But I can’t.” Disentangling myself, I shoved Cal off me, much harder than he deserved, because I think he would have moved.

  But I wanted out of there, and I wanted out of there now.

  I pulled up my dress as quickly as I could. Unable to do up the zipper, I used my sweating hands to hold it up as I ran blindly from the room, the door banging shut behind me.

  Hot tears burned the tender skin of my face as I padded barefoot down the hall. I’d left my shoes in Hannah and Cal’s room. Two young girls passed me, and I heard their giggles as if from underwater.

  I didn’t care. What had I been thinking? Because of my decision that night, my foolish, foolish decision, my marriage was more than likely over.

  When I reached the room that I shared with Ty, which was on the same floor as the one I’d just been in but around several corners, I realized that I didn’t have a key. Allowing a wail to escape my throat, I leaned forward, collapsing against the icy cold metal door, letting my tears flow down it in rivulets that darkened the paint.

  I smelled Ty before I saw him, the combination of his soap and cologne and, unmistakably, of sex.

  Without daring to look at him, I moved aside silently, allowing him to insert the key card into the reader.

  A part of me jumped for joy that he’d followed me. He’d left an orgy, had given up sex with the beautiful Hannah, to follow me, to be with me.

  However, that meant that we had to deal with this clusterfuck now.

  I didn’t relish that, not at all. I was tired, I was miserable and I wanted to go to sleep and pretend that this had never happened. That Ty and I were happy once again.

  Inside, his hand closed over mine on the light switch, stopping me from flicking the switch. The room was dark, with the occasional flash of headlights and the faint, steady glow from the streetlights below.

  I felt the fabric of my dress being lowered, slowly, slowly, inching its way down my body. A flick of his fingers, and my bra was undone, the straps sliding down my shoulders, and I was bare from the waist up. Ty’s hands reached from behind to cover them, warm and damp. While I gaped in surprise, amongst a lot of other emotions, he began to roll a tight peg between thumb and forefinger until I felt the answering tugs deep in my womb and moaned, long and hard.

  His hands slipped to my sides, sluggishly inching their way down the fevered flesh, spanning my waist, coming to rest on my hips, where they pulled and tugged at the skinny elastic sides of my briefs. A finger dipped in the front of the cloth, skimming across the soft, curved flesh of my stomach, back and forth, dipping no lower, even though I was becoming desperate for his touch on my cunt. I was feeling greedy, and I couldn’t seem to help it, I was just aching so badly for his cock, the cock that I hadn’t had for so long, rammed up inside me, as far as it could go, that I was willing to do just about anything.

  A slight flick of those talented fingers and my underwear was on the floor and I stood before him, naked, the top of my head at a level with his nipples.

  Not bothering to turn me around, he took my hands and placed them, one by one, against the entry’s flat peach wall. The plaster was cool beneath my fingers, and I shivered with anticipation.

  I was stunned when his fingers began to probe not my cunt, but the small pucker of skin that covered the entrance to my ass. This was an area we’d never explored, never, and I had to admit that I’d never much wanted to. But as his finger circled that sensitive little spot, I shivered, because, somehow, there and then, it felt really damn good, and I was disappointed when he removed his hand.

  I could feel his hands on the flesh of my ass, kneading and groping, and as he kissed the back of my neck wetly, I felt an answering rush of liquid between my thighs. I leaned over, my legs as far apart as they could get comfortably, and he stood behind me, his feet just inside my own. The tip of cock, impossibly hard with delayed orgasm, rubbed the soft spot between my ass and my cunt, and then without warning, he was in, all the way into my cunt, aided by the slickness that my earlier orgasms had provided.

  He began to move, slowly, slowly, pressing my breasts flat against the wall every time he was in me as far as he could go. After a few minutes of that exquisite torture, he returned his finger to the pucker of my ass, and slid in an inquisitive tip, just the slightest bit.

  I moaned.

  He slid it in just a bit more then started to rotate it in a circular motion, in time to the thrust of his cock, snug in my cunt. Round and round, in and out, all I could feel was pleasure, the coolness of the wall on my nipples, which were hard and tight, his cock ramming up against my cervix, the strange invasion higher up, the hand sliding slickly back and forth over my wet slit.

  Harder. Faster. I wasn’t sure if I actually articulated the words, or if they were simply screaming through my head, but I knew that the sweet sensations coursing through my body felt better than anything I’d ever experienced, and every nerve in my body seemed to be firing away, fast and hard, to contribute to the pleasure. When I came, it was on a sob, as it felt like I’d let go of not just my sexual self, but of something else, as well. I slipped a bit, but his arms caught me around my waist, and I was still anchored on his cock, and I braced my hands more firmly against the wall as he galloped toward his own release.

  Spent, we slid down to the floor weakly, stunned and silent. My emotions were still a murky mess, a swirling cesspool of confusion.

  But as we lay side by side on the scratchy beige carpeting, I felt a sense of calm creep over me, a calm that I hadn’t felt for a very long time.

  I again felt that I belonged with my husband. Yes, I belonged with him, and he belonged with me.

  There was hope for us.


  If you liked Let Me In, look for these other books in the Erotic Me series:

  Take Me Down

  Tie Me Up

  Lead Me On

  Hungry for more? Spice Briefs to suit every taste are available now at, including these recent titles:

  Taking Liberties by Jackie Barbosa

  Tempting the New Guy by Alegra Verde

  His Desirable Debutante by Lynne Silver

  Lead Me On by Lauren Hawkeye

  Steam Heat by Elizabeth Darvill

  Versed in Desire by Anne Calhoun

  Tie Me Up by Lauren Hawkeye

  Eternal Seduction by Mandy M. Roth

  Another Chance by Portia Da Costa

  Take Me Down by Lauren Hawkeye

  For even more sexy stories—and to submit your own work—please visit!

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-8553-2

  Let Me In

  Copyright © 2011 by Lauren Hawkeye

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