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Terms of Desire: Tempt Me Twice, Part One Page 3
Terms of Desire: Tempt Me Twice, Part One Read online
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I both wanted to stop them and didn’t. My eyes couldn’t be torn away, even as I again struggled to be released from Liam’s fucking. He held me firm, thrusting on a rotation of his hips that made me gasp aloud as delirium inducing nerves sizzled throughout my cunt.
I found that I could do nothing but writhe at the exquisite tease. The orgasm that I so craved seemed to again be within reach, and I gasped and tensed, my tortured flesh rioting with a pleasure the intensity of which I had never before felt. But once again it slipped away, like sand through a clenched fist.
Gasping, I stilled, and tears began to stream in a thick, salty mess down my face. I was acutely aware of the other couple’s pleasure, revealed by the violent motions of the woman’s hips as she met him thrust for firm thrust. He appeared to still be as hard as iron within her— he had yet to come, though he was beginning to exhale familiar moans that sounded desperate.
They came together, her on a breathy sigh and him with a loud shout that issued out of the depths of his throat. Liam began to thrust again in earnest as the others vocalized their pleasure, and I realized, finally, that I wanted nothing more than to be free of the pair of them, since it seemed that what I wanted— both of them to myself— wasn’t something that I could actually have. My body disagreed, however, trying in vain to take that final leap over the edge of mind numbing pleasure for the third time, but again the flame stuttered and died in the invisible breeze, even as Liam too contracted within me again, and the smell of semen tickled at the insides of my nose.
“Call me Sir, Callie.” He continued to thrust inside of me, need making his voice hoarse. “I am your Master.”
The air grew silent but for the raggedness of their breath as it left their lungs. Silent, but for the screams in my head that were growing louder and louder, causing my head to throb.
The sweat of hard sex glued my cheek to Liam’s shoulder, where I finally rested it in defeat. As I inhaled the musk that sex had aroused on his skin, I tried to kick start my hormone deadened brain into examining, in detail, the enormity of the situation. My perverse mind insisted, however, on remaining as it was, floating in the abyss of anger, jealously, and need.
One thought did manage to drift upwards, however, up from the depths, and as my heart thumped it made itself perfectly clear.
I still wanted Austin, wanted the man that I had married, had made vows to, had pledged to spend the rest of my life to. I wasn’t ready to give him up, not to another woman, not to anything.
But it seemed that I wanted Liam, wanted him quite desperately, too.
When asked where I wanted to go for a trip, I had given the decision to Austin. He had chosen a spot on the map randomly, and so I hadn’t know quite what to expect. I knew, however, that the reality of Bandit Creek, Montana, hadn’t crossed either of our minds.
Austin had done a bit of research, had decided that we would stay at the town’s small casino hotel, the exterior of which look much like the rest of the town—small, simple. Sleepy, even.
The inside, however, was straight out of Vegas—ostentatious, lurid, absorbing. It was such a paradox that we couldn’t help but laugh.
“Wow.” Austin and I giggled together as we walked slowly through the lobby of The Last Temptation, staring with googly eyes at the cacophony of lights like the wide eyed tourists that we were.
Our argument wasn’t forgotten; I knew that full well. But it was behind us for the moment, a bump in the road to be examined at a later date.
Right now, we were simply a young couple on vacation. A young couple in love.
Surely this, some time away with nothing to do but be together, would help to kick start our marriage. I thought of my dream and shuddered, even as the space between my legs grew slick and hot.
If this trip of all things couldn’t fix what was broken, well, then heaven help us.
I was so tired, so nervous and anxious. The colors and lights, sounds and smells began to whirl faster and faster the further we went, and my impressions of the town were hazy.
That is, it was hazy until I saw him.
Leaning against the counter, his back to us, was a firm male behind that I felt certain I recognized. Same stylishly faded blue jeans, same textured shirt. And though I couldn’t see the man’s face, the slavish devotion on the lips of the woman attending to him was a sight that I well identified with.
It was him. It was Liam, I was sure of it.
A small squeak passed my lips involuntarily, and Austin, who was sorting through the thick stack of our travel papers in search of our reservation confirmation, looked up to see what I wanted with irritation dancing over his features. I was saved the awkwardness of responding, however, for at that moment the hard butt turned around and the gaze emanating from the dark eyes all but swallowed me whole.
“You made it.” The way the words were said, it sounded as if he had been waiting for us. Waiting for me. My throat involuntarily constricted, and I stayed silent as Austin glanced over and grinned.
“Son of a bitch! The man of the hour!” He and Liam did one of those bracing male back thumps that are so hard they make me wince, and over my husband’s shoulder, Liam gave me a quick and saucy wink that nearly had me swallowing my tongue.
“Now we can buy you a drink to say thanks, man.” Thump, thump. Thump. I winced, wishing Austin would stop with the manly beating already, certain that one or both of them would be bruised head to toe come morning. “Everything this afternoon happened so fast, we didn’t get a chance to thank you properly. You sure got out of there in a hurry.”
I felt the burn of those eyes again, sweeping over my tightly pressed together lips. “I was hot,” he said finally, and I kicked myself for wondering if there was a double entendre in his words. “The heat when you guys got there was almost unbearable.” The corners of his mouth tilted up just the tiniest bit as he spoke, his eyes staring directly into mine, and I became aware of the fact that he knew exactly what he was saying.
What’s more, he knew that I knew he knew.
My face flushing brightly, I busied myself rummaging through my purse, searching for a tissue that I knew wasn’t there and that I didn’t need at any rate. I ignored the tightening of my nipples and the heat that rushed between my legs as I considered chanting the multiplication table to myself as a means of distraction.
Just a few more minutes. I just had to get through a few more minutes in this awkward situation, and then we’d go our own separate ways. Hell, I’d make it my mission to keep Austin in the room, so we probably wouldn’t see Liam again for the rest of the trip.
Probably wouldn’t see him again, ever. And why did the thought of that make me feel so damn sad? There was certainly no reason for it…. I barely knew the man.
“Great, we’ll meet you back down here in half an hour.” I jolted as those choice words pierced their way into my self induced daydream.
“What?” The word held a tinge of panic that had Austin furrowing his brow in confusion and Liam grinning wickedly behind his back.
“We’re going to buy Liam a drink or two as a thank you, Callie.” Austin rolled his eyes slightly when he realized that I hadn’t heard a word the men had said. “We’re going to check in and freshen up, then meet him down in the casino in half an hour.”
“Oh.” I didn’t like this. I didn’t like it one bit. Mostly because, actually, I liked it too much. “I think I might actually take a nap. Why don’t you two just go by yourselves?”
Austin’s stare narrowed, and I felt my stomach clench. “Callie, we are both going to come down and socialize to say thank you.” I swallowed thickly, looking down at my toes before nodding.
“Okay.” When I finally dragged my eyes back up, I found Austin nodding with satisfaction at my response.
And Liam—Liam was watching my husband and I, speculation and something darker ripe in his expression.
“I’ll see you soon, Callie.” I was sure that I wasn’
t imagining the dark, delicious intent in those words. “I’m looking forward to it.”
Perversely, I took twice my allotted time to ‘freshen up’, sending Austin downstairs without me. In the shower, I let cool water sluice over my feverish skin, washing away dust and sweat and, I hoped, the temptation to be unfaithful to my husband. The delicious siren’s call of Liam’s not so subtle proposition and the guilt that raged over my bone deep need to stay true to the vows that I had taken years before combined deep in my belly, curdling the innocent excitement that had lain there earlier, excitement over time alone with Liam. As I rubbed creamy soap into my skin I berated myself, a reminder that an extramarital attraction, no matter how strong, shouldn’t matter so much. But somehow the reminder did nothing to squelch the burning obsession that was sweeping through my body and invading my every cell.
I wanted to fuck Liam, of that there was no doubt. And even knowing that I couldn’t, shouldn’t and, most importantly, wouldn’t, refused to turn down the rage of hormones that were flooding my cunt.
And so it was with a scowl that I flicked off the water, dried the clear droplets from my skin with the rough towel that had been provided by the hotel. If I took extra care grooming my stick straight hair and dabbing perfume between my breasts, well, that was my prerogative. I shouldn’t have to have an excuse to look good.
At least, that’s what I told myself as I slipped into the midnight colored cotton, a soft slip of a sundress that dipped down over my breasts and whispered around my legs. It had never been worn and had been packed on a whim… I was more of a ripped jeans and discount t shirt kind of girl, truth be told. But whatever the reason I had for donning the soft fabric, I was gratified upon entry to the small casino. The men were easy enough to spot, seated at a low table close to the bar, and the avid hunger in the four eyes that followed my every step satisfied something deep within me, something I think only a woman understands.
“You look great, hon.” Austin slung an arm casually over my shoulder as I seated myself next to him, nuzzling his face against my neck. “Smell good, too. You haven’t worn perfume for a long time.”
His observation was innocent, but it made my face flame. It was true enough that I hadn’t scented my skin in months, or made the effort in numerous other ways. What had me shifting uncomfortably in my seat was the knowledge that tonight I had done it for Liam, a stranger. A stranger whose hooded gaze was setting my body aflame like nothing ever had before.
“Do you want a drink before we hit the tables, hon?” It took a moment for Austin’s question to sink in, since I was trying very hard not to meet Liam’s stare, the one that I could feel searing my skin.
“The tables?” It was easy to picture the long fingers that were stroking the neck of the amber colored bottle of Corona whispering over my skin.
“The tables, Callie. The blackjack tables. Casino, remember?” I supposed that I deserved Austin’s irritation over my distraction.
“Blackjack. Right. Yes, a drink would be good.” Maybe the liquid would help cool the fever that was creeping over my body.
“Blackjack.” Liam grinned and raked his fingers through the spikes of his hair. “Good. I’m feeling lucky.”
Austin tired of the game long before Liam or I did. Blaming the greasy burgers that we’d scarfed for lunch on the road, he held his arm tightly around his gut and bowed out, away from the table, claiming to not feel well.
Though I furrowed my brow in confusion—Austin had a stomach made of iron— I didn’t question him, since I was too busy drowning in guilt for grasping so eagerly at the chance to be left with Liam.
Left alone with Liam.
Alone. Without Austin.
“Do you want me to come upstairs with you, hon?” I bit the inside of my cheek as I spoke. I’d go if he wanted me to—of course I would.
But I really didn’t want to. I wanted to stay right where I was, my fingers clasped tightly around the stem of a wineglass, and the smell of sin and Liam’s skin wafting up to tease at my nostrils.
For a long moment Austin appeared to ponder the question. He looked at us both, his eyes speculative, and I held my breath, certain he could read my every thought.
“No.” I tried to smother the large, loud breath that escaped from the cavern of my mouth when he finally replied. “You stay and get our money’s worth. I’ll come back if I can.” I nodded, guilt stabbing my gut at the trusting way that he pecked me on the cheek and left me in the care of a gorgeous stranger.
That guilt was quite quickly overcome by the excitement of being alone, all alone, with Liam.
That dream castle of excitement that I had built up so rosily came crashing down around my ears when Liam pushed his chair back, stretched out his lean frame in a manner that begged for a cat like stroking. “I’m done for now, as well. I have to get to work.”
Though I knew that maybe it was for the best, his proclamation made me want to cry, the sadness layered with surprise.
“You work here?”
His lips quirked in amusement. “In a manner of speaking.” Then he touched my hand briefly with his own, the tips of his fingers just barely grazing the tender spot between my index finger and thumb, and the tight knot of tension in the pit of my stomach exploded all over again.
“Walk me to my office.” Two glasses of the house red added to my agitation, and I thought of refusing on principal, as I did so often with Austin.
The darkness in Liam’s eyes told me that refusing wasn’t an option. I didn’t know him and alarm bells should have been ringing in my head, but all I felt was a desire to please Liam.
“All right.” The words brought with them a curling tendril of depression. A few more minutes, and then we would say good night. I’d been riding on a hormonally charged high all night, the excitement making me giddy, and the knowledge that it was all about to draw to a close had me crashing down low. I didn’t even argue when Liam insisted on paying for my drinks, though I’d always preferred to pay my own way, and I followed silently as, with a hand at the small of my back, he led me through the brightly colored lights and the intermingling odors, the haze of cigarette smoke and the overwhelming array of feathers and sequins to the exit of the casino.
It took me a moment to realize that something in the atmosphere had altered.
“Is there a costume party or something tonight?” The feathers and sequins remained, but there were now just as many people dressed in black leather, fishnets, and rubber.
I felt as if I had walked into a movie and didn’t know my lines. Turning, I eyed Liam, but he didn’t appear to see anything out of the ordinary.
“Are you uncomfortable?” I noticed that he had sidestepped my question, but I didn’t push. I was too fascinated by the people around me.
“No. No, I’m not.” Liam raised an eyebrow at my answer but said nothing. I was telling the truth, since I suspected that he wouldn’t let me get away with anything else.
I wished that I wasn’t so damned conscious of the three fingers that he still had resting at the small of my back. We walked in silence for a moment, down the concourse, before he spoke again.
“Callie, did you do much research into The Last Temptation before you came here? Or did Austin make all of the arrangements?” We had stopped in front of a sign that small and bland compared to everything else in the casino. In small black lettering it read “Lead Me Not”.
Though I wasn’t religious, I filled the rest of the sentence out in my head.
Lead me not unto temptation.
“Is this your office?” Unease settled over me. Something was going on here, with Liam, with the casino, and it was going right over my head.
I suddenly wished for Austin to make an appearance.
“In a way.” Liam studied my face, read the worry etched there, then lifted my face with a gentle yet hot touch on my chin.
I jerked away from the touch, for the sole reason that I
wanted to lean into it.
“Don’t do that.” My voice was sharp, and danger sparked in Liam’s eyes.
“It can be a dangerous thing to say no to me, pet.” His words were mild, but layered with steel. I shivered, my muscles rigid, and debated running away from him.
I found that I didn’t want to. Though Liam made me incredibly nervous, when I searched deep down, I found that I wasn’t truly frightened by him.
“I say no a lot.” I glared at him, and Liam’s nostrils flared.
“So your husband has said.” I stared at Liam, feeling as though I had been punched in the stomach.
“Austin spoke to you about… us?” Betrayal left a bitter taste in the back of my mouth.
I stepped away, and Liam let me. Even with the added space, I wasn’t able to breathe any easier. Liam had a way of invading space, and it wasn’t merely a matter of being close to me physically. It was more that his… well, I don’t know what to call it besides ‘aura’… invaded mine when he was near, stealthily twisting and turning and working its way in until my own sense of self was firmly clutched in its fingers.
Liam studied me with every bit on intensity in his being. I felt adrenaline begin to shoot through me.
“The people in the lobby, pet, they are all here for the club. The club that I own and run.” His face was a study in patience as I blinked rapidly, trying to gain my bearings.
“He hasn’t spoken to you about any of this.” I read disapproval in Liam’s tone, and found myself even more horribly confused.
“Liam, cut the crap. What the hell is going on?” I wanted to back away rapidly when Liam closed the space between us, cupping a large hand around each of my upper arms and moving in so close that our lips almost touched.
“Austin is an old college friend of mine, pet. Though he has only just realized that the problems in your marriage might stem from his frustrated dominance, I have always had a strong distaste for vanilla.”
He might as well have been speaking Greek, for all that I understood. My brow furrowed, and I saw in my peripheral vision one of the latex clad couples from the lobby.